
Dr. Landau is a fierce advocate for improving the mental health of teens. She has written numerous opinion pieces and letters to the editor, including recently in the Boston Globe, July 13,2023:

“Colleges scramble to fill mental health gaps” (Page A1, July 11) is one of many recent articles about the crisis on college
campuses. I have seen the damage in my clinical practice and teaching, and I am in full support of all the innovative and traditional psychotherapy initiatives for college students. However, one important point is usually overlooked: The crisis is not limited to college students; it affects all young people.

In fact, one study found that non-college-attending peers and part-time students had a higher risk of attempting suicide than full-time college students. This may be due to socioeconomic factors and healthcare disparities. Therefore, we need to also focus on increasing services much earlier, as an essential component of secondary education.

Children and teenagers are suffering from depression, anxiety, and other behavioral disorders at epidemic levels.

Psychological issues are powerful obstacles to education. Schools have greater access to children and can make a major impact on improving treatment and prevention. Some communities have begun to implement such efforts, but we need a major national initiative. It is tragic to see the suffering and lost potential of young people from all economic backgrounds, especially when there is an opportunity to prepare them for whatever their next developmental step may be.